View from the back door...
What is left of the top of the tree still standing...
Needless to say, it's heartbreaking. Tony and Zack took a chainsaw to the branches in the yard on Saturday, and tarped the holes in the roof. Now it is just a matter of organizing what needs to be done and getting it done.
We had storms down here all weekend too, so we didn't go riding on the motorcycle as I had hoped. We did go see Man of Steel and it was good, although I thought the fight scenes and damage was over the top. I started with another sore throat on Sunday, almost identical to the one I had for round one of that viral crud, and today am congested, coughing, and frogged voice again. Obviously the antibiotics helped the sinus infection the original turned into, but my resistance is apparently low enough that I have round two on the virus... Really sucks!
Eric is working his long week this week, and we are waiting to hear if we will be making a fast run to MN to pick up a friend of mine for a couple of weeks visit. She has some things going on and isn't sure yet if she is able to come down, but hopefully will have a better idea in the next few days. We could potentially be a busy household over the next 6 weeks--for sure from mid July thru mid August. I. Am all set to resume coursework on the 8th although I still need to order my books.
Life is never dull, that's for sure.