Thursday, April 28, 2011

An update on my health and other stuff...

I haven't been blogging much these last couple of weeks because life has been really nuts around here.  Constant storms and rain, lots of company (Eric's folks were here, which I totally enjoyed, then Liisa and her Dad came for Easter weekend, which was also fun), and homework up the wazooo.  I feel like I have been burning the candle at all ends, and it isn't meeting in the middle, but I feel burnt out!  Skye is teething again, and it looks to me like she has three teeth on top coming in, the two centers and the left canine.  She has been quite the crabby pants lately! She has also started her version of crawling, and she scoots herself everywhere and into things.  One has to keep a close eye on her or she topples off things (like the bed). She is also pulling herself up on things, to her knees, then getting her feet under her, but doesn't know yet how to get back down, so that too results in screaming cuz she's stuck, or screaming cuz she fell over...  Regardless, she cannot be trusted AT ALL!

As can be seen below in a few photos, the water in the trees has now encroached into the grassy areas behind the path, and the ground is just saturated. I am so tired of rain and gloom I could scream, and I am equally tired of muddy floors and wet dog.  Today we actually have sunshine and I am so grateful for it! I sat outside with my coffee and my textbooks and basked for a bit this morning!

Brie didn't go to work today; she couldn't find her clean khaki's for work, and she couldn't wear jeans a second day in a row, so they sent her home. When she called to see if she was needed back (after her laundry was done) they said no, so I have really been appreciating a child-free morning!  It's a nice break now and again, and I really need it.

So to update my health, I had the echocardiogram/stress test on Monday and everything came out good.  No signs of problems or damage of any sort, so I have been given a clean bill of health. I am so relieved!  I spent three weeks wondering and worrying and thinking all sorts of things prior to the tests, and I am so glad to be done with the unknowns.  Now to focus on continuing my weight loss process (I have lost 11.4 lbs since March 1st when I started WW online).

Looks like I am back on deck with the baby....  My time off is over I guess...

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