Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Almost the end of June

and phase two of the summer is done already.  I finished my class, and ended up with an A for it, which I am so relieved about.  My final project paper, which was due the end of week 9 was submitted a day early, and three days before the end of the class I get a notice that said it was late!  I was scared, nervous, and upset.  Sent emails to the instructor, talked to tech support (I had received confirmation that it had been submitted and accepted that Saturday, which remained in place most of the week, until the notice it was late, because I was checking for grades on it daily thereafter), and my instructor accepted it when I resubmitted it and didn't penalize me for "being late".  Thank God!  I had been just sick over it!

We made the trip to Florida (St. Augustine) and it was lovely.  The weather was perfect, the town historic, the hotel had a pool and a 640 year old oak tree, and I really enjoyed it.  There were moments of tension and frustration, of course, because one doesn't have an ex-girlfriend, a current fiancee, a baby, one's entire family present without there being stress and tension. Brie generally handled herself well, but it was clear she was stressed at points. Then we had a trip to the ER added into the mix on Father's day.  Skye had been stuffing things up her nose, and unbeknownst to us had put a part of a tissue up her right nostril that was rotting.  Anyhow, she woke up with a fever and lethargic, and we took her in.  They pulled out two small wads of tissue (the second one, higher up, was just rank), and put her on a high powered antibiotic for the infection. Poor baby was scared to death and kept telling everyone "thank you, buh-bye" to get them out of the room.  Dalton, Brie, and I were in the room with her, along with the hospital personnel, and we were there for around 3 hours, after which we went back to Regina's house (Dalton's mom), ate some burgers, and took the baby back to the hotel to nap.

Long-story short, the med upset Skye's stomach so she had no appetite and the runs, she threw up on the drive home so that we ended up staying in a hotel overnight so we could rinse out the carseat cover and give her a bath.  We did take her in once we were home and they changed her antibiotic; she is 100% better now and hopefully will stop sneaking stuff up her nostril!

Skye was very receptive to meeting her great-grandparents on her dad's side of the family, who had only seen her in photographs prior to this trip, and we took lots of pictures. She got along well with her cousin Abby (who is 2 weeks younger), and seemed to like her dad's fiancee too (who was generally gracious with all that was going on). I really enjoyed meeting Dalton's grandparents and of course, I really like his mom, so the trip went well.

We got home late Thursday afternoon, took the baby to the clinic Friday, Eric and I stole a few hours on Saturday to go to the winery in the afternoon, and went back onto "parenting duties" Saturday night because Brie left for her two weeks of AT training.

Reimond had a little excitement heading up to Minneapolis. He got dropped off at the train only to discover he had no cash to pay for the train ticket (despite my telling him to take change from my bucket for it), and he called me in a panic (I was in Florida at the time!).  He was able to track down Aurora and Dan, who raided my "piggy bank" for him and brought him back train fare, then he got to the airport without incident, and made it safely to Phoenix, where his flight got delayed for 2 hours or better.  He finally arrived in Minneapolis 2.5 hours after he was supposed to be there, and was glad to be "home".  Things are going well at Tony and Andrea's, the work isn't terribly onerous, and he is spending time with the kids, his siblings, and friends in his spare time.  He passed his license test, so he is driving now, and seems to be doing well with the adult responsibilities.

So: I am back in Mascoutah, and now am planning out the rest of July! We have Skye this week and next while Brie is gone, then we will be travelling up to Minneapolis on the 25th for a week.  Liisa is now pulling together her wedding for July 28th so it can happen while we are there, and it's going to be on her front lawn at the house, followed by a reception/party.  She is doing it on a shoestring, and is very excited about how it is coming together.  My former pastor from down here will be officiating, and things will be finalized on Sunday (7/1) when Liis and Zack meet with Pastor Heidi at her new office in St. Peter, MN. When we leave Minneapolis we will be bringing Justin and Alexis back with us to spend 2.5-3 weeks here, and I am looking forward to that too.  I miss those little ones dreadfully!

My mom's heart issues seem to have straightened out with the medication change, and she is feeling fine.  She still has "gravel" in her kidney so the stent remains in place and she has to drink more water to try to flush it out.  She is excited about the wedding, and is the same as always when I talk to her on the phone.

I see the eye surgeon today and hopefully will get some answers I need regarding my vision.

Skye yesterday decided to swim in the dog's water dish...  I think she got spoiled with the pool at the hotel, and missed it, so I took her to the Mascoutah pool--for 2.5 hours!  That baby was so tired she asked to be carried in the pool but wasn't ready to leave.  We came home anyway, and she was in bed by 7:30 last night. 

Ok, that's the news!  Now I need some coffee!

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