Thursday, September 1, 2016

And so it's here: packing day....

 My rose on Sunday, newly opened.

I took today off at the last moment (requested it Monday) because on Monday morning I cried my way to work. It hit me that this is real, my baby is moving "home", and my apron strings are being lengthened once more. I went thru it when Tony joined the army, and again when I moved down here. Now it's finally Reimond's time to fly free. I've never considered myself a helicopter parent, but today I've chosen to hover a bit. He's my last chick and has been under my care for 22 years. 

This was his 13th birthday, just before Eric and I really talked for the first time on the phone after his marriage irrevocably broke. It was generally just me and Reimond, with Tony over seas, Andrea and Justin up the road, and Liisa in and out, but not living at home. Nine years have gone past in a heartbeat! I told Rei yesterday, he's been a gift from God all his life,  a baby I didn't know I could have. He's been my anchor and inspiration, my burden and my joy.  I'm proud of the man he's become and I am so pleased with the direction he has chosen to go in his life. It's just hard letting go of his hand. 

At heart, I am and always will be, a mom. It's been a title, a name, and a calling. I've been blessed immensely by all the children who have passed through my life and under my roof. I'm proud to be grandma too, and knowing that the three oldest grandchildren use technology to contact me because they want to has thrilled my soul. I've never wanted to be that parent or grandparent that one has to be "encouraged" (forced) to call. To hear their voices or get their messages out of the blue makes me so happy. I pray that bond continues with Adrianna and all that we may be blessed with after her!

This is my rose today, the bloom not quite spent and a bud along side it. That is how I feel today. One chapter in my life is ending, but the promise of the next is right there in front of me. 

This weekend I am saying goodbye to my house in Minneapolis, walking through it one last time, and loading the trailer, once emptied of Reimond's things, with the last of my belongings Liisa stored for me. Then it's back home to Mascoutah to begin the next page. It's hard, tears will be shed, and there will be lots of hugs and kisses exchanged. But I know I'm going to be okay because I'm not alone. Eric and I are in it together and he understands.

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