Saturday, February 13, 2010

A normal Saturday around here.

This is just a quick note as I am trying to get ready for work.  We have snow forecasted for tonight and tomorrow.  The kids (well, Aurora and Rei; Patrick spent the night at a friend's house) had bowling this morning, and then there were chores to accomplish...

Eric said his interview seemed to go well, and we should hear something in the near future.  Now we just need to get back on track with homework and household stuff.  Brie has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, after which we should have better info on things like a due date and so forth.  Things are status quo with her.  The kids are otherwise doing fine. 

I sure would love a simple day home with no obligations and no priorities...  I miss it!  But the clock is ticking and I have to head out shortly.  We were up way too late last night watching the Olympic ceremonies, and I have it on in the background as I do my thing.  I wish they would show more of the events and less of the interviews.  I hate talking heads...

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