Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's a new day, a new week...

Here is to hoping this new week will go well for all of us.  This last one has had a few ups and downs.  Babysitting Skye was a joy, and I couldn't ask for a better baby.  She and I ran some errands that needed doing, we took her grocery shopping, we walked almost daily outside (it's been gorgeous weather here this past week), and she is such a joy.  Skye tends to smile with her whole body, and her squeaky giggles surprise even her sometimes!  I have had to relearn how to budget my time to get things done, and I have re-mastered the art of doing some things one-handed.  It's going fine though, and while I am a bit more weary than I had been, it is nothing unmanageable. Brie seems to be happy being back at work, and we did some babysitting over the weekend as well, so she could do some things with the kids (bowling with Aurora on Friday night, going to the haunted house with all the kids Saturday night), so she is enjoying live-in sitter service.  So far I am not feeling too taken advantage of, but we will see.  It's only been 8 days...

Eric has gotten himself behind in his homework, so I have had to help some with stuff so that he can get back on top of it.  It's been frustrating for both of us.  The kids got their midterm grades yesterday, and Aurora is satisfied with hers (2 As, 2Bs, 2Cs--the Cs were in physics and pre-calc); Rei had some decent grades (Bs), some passing grades (Ds) and some fails (but in the mid to upper 60%, which means close to passing).  I have been in contact with his teachers because he has been slacking off at school in some things, and I have been discussing things with him as well, because the Fs are not acceptable--if they are that close to passing grades, he should be able to pull them up higher.  Brie just got the notice from SWIC that transferred her credits from McKendry to them and she now knows where she stands on that front.  She is looking forward to school in January.

Friday night was a mess around here, and Eric and I were at odds after he and Rei had a major conflict.  Over spilled milk.  That's how it started.  I don't want to go into specifics other than to say by the time we were finished the girls had put in their unneeded 2 cents, Rei left with his friends (who were quite upset as well), and Eric and I were on opposite sides of the fence.  I will freely and honestly admit I stand up for my kid, right or wrong.  Not that I support or defend his behaviors when he is in the wrong, but I strongly believe things should be handled or addressed in a specific way.  Eric has opinions that are counter to mine, and when he thinks he is in the right, he also doesn't back down.  Hence the conflict between us.  We have tried talking it out, but I feel Eric is unwilling to hear my opinion on this so I have had to just drop it. It's not even that I expect him to change his mind; I just expect him to hear me out, which as of right now he hasn't.  We are back to being cordial, even companionable together for the most part, and I just need to let it go for now. It still stings though.  Case in point? This is my husband's facebook status from about 10 minutes ago:

Eric XXXX  A night has passed. My wife and I had talked througout the day we disagree on a few things but all is well I believe. The 16 yearold did not say a word to me so I assume the status has not changed from the other night. I figure an apology is in order or his challenge still stands and he believes he can take me.

Having heard BOTH sides of the story, as well as witnessing all of it myself (thus having first hand knowledge) I am once again feeling frustrated at how events are being interpreted.  Yes, apologies are owed, on BOTH sides. This did not start out as a pissing contest, so why does it have to be turned into one?  God I am frustrated all over again!

I actually got a lot accomplished yesterday that I had been wanting to get done. I have more on the agenda for today as well, so I guess it's time to get coffee started, and get on with my day. We have another beautiful day in the offing, although they keep suggesting we are gonna get rain--haven't seen any as yet though.  Here's to hoping this coming week goes smoothly and positively!

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