Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011!

Yesterday was the first day of the new year, and it was a quiet day for us.  Patrick, Eric and Brie all had to work, I baby sat, and the kids (Rei and Aurora) had friends over who spent the night new year's eve, and they slept in til noon.  My living room looked like a disaster area yesterday morning. I spent part of the day setting the house to rights, then enjoyed some dedicated knitting time after Brie and Eric got home, both having shorter shifts than normal. (I made the kids get rid of the mattresses and fold up all the bedding before they headed off for their various activities).  I made a nice pot roast dinner, spent some quality time with my husband, and went to bed at a decent time!  A good way to begin the new year!

I didn't go to church today.  In fact, I am in the market for a new church home. The pastor that I had gotten to know and like has apparently been on a medical leave since shortly after the baby's baptism, and she has elected not to return to the congregation.  I am not sure what is going on there. And our associate pastor, someone who has been with the church for ages (and had done all our music) was voted out by the council for some reason, so she too is gone.  That doubly saddens me, as she was the first person I had really gotten to know at the church and I liked her alot.  She is local, so I am hoping we can maintain our ties, while the other pastor is returning (I am guessing) to her hometown to be closer to family.  Not sure what her husband is going to do, as he had just started a new job down here as well...  Regardless, I never felt 100% at home in that congregation, and without the two anchors whom I felt close to there any more, there is nothing holding me there either.  My goal in this new year is to visit some of our other local churches and see if I find somewhere I feel more at home. I like having a church home to be connected to, but my faith is not locked into a physical locale, and my relationship with my heavenly father is strong and tangible to me.  I don't need a physical place to worship.  It's just nice to have those ties with others for support and sustenance.

On another sad note, I don't know how much longer we will have our elderly dog in our family.  He is failing rapidly, and we were surprised he made it into the new year with us.  We don't think he is seeing at all, his balance is off and he has trouble standing or walking. He isn't eating or drinking much, and he is terribly incontinent.  It is just a matter of time now.  Eric and I go back and forth, because as much as I am leaning towards it being time to take him to the vet, Eric is wanting him to die here at home. I respect that totally, as much as I have a phobia of being around dead animals, and will abide by whatever he decides to do.  I just feel bad when I hear him stumbling around and banging into things because he is no longer aware of his surroundings and he cannot stand easily or walk without slipping, especially on the linoleum.  Eric is off the next two days (after today) and we'll see.  Needless to say there has already been many tears shed here, and the goodbyes are being expressed to a faithful and loving friend. It's so hard to see him like this.

I am in the process of mentally reviewing my goals for 2011, and planning out what I want to accomplish in this new year.  Keeping myself fit and healthy of course is at the top of the list, as is finishing up some projects; finishing my degree is another goal (and my next class starts on the 10th).  There are things I would like to accomplish around here as well, in the house and yard, and while I would like to be really ambitious, I think it's better to be practical and start slowly. 

Anyhow, Happy New Year to all, and I pray it is happy, healthy, and productive for us all!

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