Thursday, March 5, 2009

I've gotten behind on my posting,

but I have had a lot going on, and not much time to myself to think. Monday there was no school (some obscure Illinois holiday that shuts down things like schools), and Eric was off, so we let Monday be a play day. Eric and I played Everquest together for much of the day and evening, and it was a lot of fun.

Tuesday I had to work and we got our first big semi in with merchandise. I spent the day in the "processing area" working to sort craft items into totes so they could be taken to the area they belong in and shelved. It was back-breaking work, and I definitely am not used to such hard-core physical labor. It was actually a 4 hour shift, for which I am totally grateful: I don't know that my body could have handled that kind of abuse and quickly bounced back had it been 8 hours...

When I got home I returned a call to the Assistant Principal (she had called me regarding my email). I was so angry when I got off the phone with her I was just shaking. She made polite, non-commital responses to my concerns, she told me that "because Reimond asks" to go to the ISS room when he feels he needs less distractions in his environment, that won't be allowed ("there must be an ulterior motive for him wanting to do his work where he can't be as distracted..."); I explained that last year there was a resource room he could use when he felt himself struggling, that he could request to go to to complete his assignments (and God bless Miss Deb, she was an angel, even if he was a trial to her at times!); they have NO SUCH option here, and his choices are to suck it up and deal, or get consequences. No middle ground. She basically told me that it didn't matter to her whether his behaviors were med related or not, his consequnces stands for Saturday detention (which I assumed it would). I am so frustrated I could spit! Eric could see how upset I was and he took me out for a 2 margarita lunch, which we both needed. We also went to see his lawyer to drop off the paperwork which he signed to avoid court for today (essentially his ex is entitled to up to 21 days each summer for visitation with the kids; she had 17days last summer, and was fighting for another week... To pacify her the kids agreed to go visit her for their full vacations over Easter and Memorial weekends. 10 days to make up 4... Unbelieveable! We also had to run to St. Louis so he could pick up his credentials and his weapon as he was scheduled to work at the "other hospital" for the nonce. So we ran around, vented to each other about various things, and essentially reconnected.

Wednesday I worked again for 4 hours, this time processing and putting away acrylic paints... What a PITA! We discovered halfway through our project that the shelves had been put in with the wrong spacing, so we had to take an extra 45 minutes to re-set-up the panels, moving approximately 30 shelves up a notch each... I got a lovely blood blister/bruise on my forearm from pinching it between two shelving units... The thing I found most irritating about it was just what the management team said at our team huddle earlier that morning: You find a problem with the set up, bring it to the attention of a manager and we'll fix it right away! Don't leave it til it's partially set up, then have someone else have to fix the problem. In this case, it was clear that there wasn't enough height for the bottom shelf of products, and they should have taken care of it yesterday when there was a minimum of product on the shelves... Instead, I caught it, so I had to fix it. I think that is my biggest complaint about some of the "younger workers" today: they just don't care about doing it right--do what you are told, as sketchily as possible, and ignore doing it right... On a positive note, I spoke with the woman who will be in charge of running the classes we will be offering at Joann's and told her I had been referred to her about possibly teaching if that was needed. I shared my interests and skill-base with her and said I could teach most intro classes, as well as a few advanced ones (dependent on the subject matter; they were talking about a class for designing prom dresses to make them your own from a basic pattern. I could do it, but IF I were doing it, would prefer to do it one on one rather than in a group setting). Anyhow, she seemed interested in me and said that if I were to teach, I would get my hourly salary for the classes, PLUS 40% of the enrollment fee of each student! That sounds wonderful!

Life here at home continues to be challenging. Cliff and Brie have the household all in an uproar with their mutual drama, moping around, and verbal battles. Neither has the patience to leave the other alone to heal/make decisions/grow, and each keeps poking at the other until the rest of us also want to scream! It's impossible to even take sides because both have valid points, but mediation is NOT possible right now--neither is in a space to handle it. We are still down one car because the part needed to fix the CRX's wiperblades is non-existant. Eric finally just asked if they could rig something to the wiper motor so that we have working blades for rain. They said they'd see what they can do with that. We need another vehicle here. Rei missed confirmation last night because Eric had to work (and put in overtime at that) and Brie took the van to Bowling (and I for whatever reason, spaced out that it was Wednesday). Tony and the babies are supposed to be coming down to stay with us for a week on Saturday, so I have become a drill sargent: already told the kids that I am NOT giving permission for anyone to go anywhere until the bedrooms are clean, everything is off the floors so I can shampoo them (from the dogs), and things are baby-proofed (meaning there is a minimum of dog hair on surfaces that the babies will be playing on). My friend Erika may or may not be coming down as well during this time, so I am trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. As of now I am planning to put an inflated full sized mattress on the floor in Patrick and Rei's room for Tony and Justin, and put Alexis in her portacrib in Aurora's room (Aurora is thrilled, the boy's not so much...) and I will put Erika in the loft on the futon there. Not much for privacy, but is a bed. If she doesn't come, then Tony can choose where he'd like to sleep. What it means though is that the boys HAVE to get everything off their floor and put away! I got a huge shipping box of dirty clothes dumped in the laundry room last night from them... GGRRRRRRR!

I have been nicer this morning than I planned to be: Cliff and Dathan are sleeping in Cliff's room and I am gonna start making noise and getting them moving shortly. The living room reflects Cliff and Brianne's hanging out there over the past week, and Cliff's friends spending the night. I am so tired of clutter! Rei is home from school today with a sore throat, fever, and glands the size of marbles lining his neck. I have an appointment at 3 for him to have a throat culture done (he used to get strep all the time and that is what it looks like to me right now). Naturally I called the school and they were skeptical. I will be sure to have a note for him for tomorrow, provided he can go. I don't have a vehicle to take him in with until after Brie gets home from work so I was fortunate to get a 3 p.m. appointment with the physician's assistant.

I apologize for sounding so irritated and hormonal today. It's because I am though, so at least I'm being honest. Probably good I will be putting this energy to good use cleaning and scrubbing! I work Saturday from 1-5, so I want to have things done by Friday night, and then I don't work again until NEXT Saturday, which works out well for my havinging company arrive for the week. I want to have everything relatively done so I can enjoy my guests and not worry about major housework.

A couple last tidbits, and then I will get going on my day. My ex got laid off from his factory job early February, and applied for unemployment. I got a child support check that is half of what I usually get weekly last week, but so far this week haven't seen anything at all. This really frustrates me because, if he is to be believed (and I sorta do believe it) he is working under the table for cash as a "handyman" for his girlfriend's employer, who owns a collection of group homes, he makes really good money (he claims $26/hour) and he's (supposedly) working full time. He bragged to me that he isn't hurting at all for money but he is sure hurting me. I use that money to pay for the cell phone plan, to pay off a loan from when I had the house (for the furnance), and to pay for things Rei needs, like clothing, books, etc. I'm not sure what I should do about this situation. It just makes me sad that he cares so little for his obligations, but then, why should I expect him to change? I am also frustrated because I have been really focusing on diet and exercise this past month. During it I have lost 4 lbs and gained back three... It is so discouraging because I am generally trying so hard to be healthy and active! Eric says not to lose heart, but right now I am feeling really sad.

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