Saturday, April 4, 2009

Feeling really sad right now...

I went in to work yesterday and looked at my schedule for next week. I am off every single day of it except Saturday, April 11th. This means that I won't be able to go to MN for Easter weekend. Rei and I are both really disappointed because it has been almost 6 months since I was last "home" and I have been feeling really homesick. I knew going into it that there was a chance I might not be able to go--we are still having vehicle issues and don't have the third car running right now--but we had been talking about renting a car to make it happen, provided I didn't need to work. But I do. Who would want to trade a weekday shift of 4 hours for 4 evening hours on a Saturday of a holiday weekend? I don't know that many I work with would. It does mean that I can help drive when Eric needs to go to IN to pick up the younger two from their mom, but it won't be the same. My mom pointed out that I have seen both my older kids and the grandbabies recently so it isn't as though I haven't seen them, but I haven't seen my mom, or my sibs or my nieces and nephew since October. I miss them! From a financial status I know this is for the best, but it still hurts. I am very sad, and I know Rei is really disappointed too. I've seen Eric's mom more frequently than I have seen my own!

Eric's mom just left to go to St. Louis to see her mother. I so enjoy her visits! She is a lovely person, is easy to talk to, and we get along very well. She shares her opinions, of which she has many, but she and I tend to agree on most things, so it works out well! I really enjoy when we sit and stitch together, and we had a nice afternoon yesterday running around (she joined me on my trip to the clinic to get my med check done, then we went to Joann's to get a few things). Her and Eric's dad are both wonderful people and I really like them! As I told her this morning, I am as comfortable around her as I am my own mother, and that is saying a lot, because I adore my mom! It has been nice having her here for a few days.

We got the kids' report cards today, and they were as expected. The boys did not do as well as we had hoped, and I am saddened by that, but not terribly surprised. I was proud of Reimond as he called and shared his grades with his dad, along with taking ownership for not doing his best this last term. I have seen him buckle down the start of this one, so I hope it continues. Patrick didn't say much one way or the other. He just shrugged. I know their grades are not a reflection of us as parents, but sometimes it's hard not to take them personally when we spend so much time focusing on them. And as I have said before, the school system down here is a lot more rigid that Minneapolis was. That may be all to the good, but it is challenging too.

At bowling this morning Aurora had her highest score ever: a 258. She was very excited. I also paid the entry fee for the kids for their scholarship tournament on the 19th that Aurora and Rei have qualified for. There are only two more meetings for Saturday bowling, on the 25th, and on May 2nd. Then the youth season is done. This has been a fun experience for all of us, and I am so glad to see that Reimond enjoyed it.

Eric is on his way home, and is on the phone with me, so I will sign off for now! We have one more beautiful day, but starting tonight the temps are supposed to drop, it's supposed to start raining, and then maybe even snow on Monday. Blech!

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