Monday, September 14, 2009

Exciting news!

I spent a part of the afternoon talking to Capella University about what I need to do to re-enroll and finish my degree program.  I had to officially change my name (and address) on my records and fill out a new application to update info, but everything academically is in order. So, provided financial aid falls into place, I should be taking a class (they added one more mandatory class to the degree program) starting in October, while at the same time arranging for an internship (which will be the hard part--if I cannot find I job, I hope to God I will be able to find an internship site--it's unpaid as a rule).  I have to have that all lined up a term before I actually start it, so by January 2010, to start in April.  Then, for the winter term, (Jan. to March), I will do my final project/thesis, followed by 2 terms of my practicum.  Once that is done, I can graduate, so October 2010 is my endpoint!  It seems so far, and yet so close as well.  I am excited, scared, thrilled, overwhelmed...  Eric says once I have my MS I can then be qualified for all these well-paying jobs I cannot apply for as yet, and he will then sit home, eat bon-bons (and what the heck is a bon-bon anyway?  I have never had one!) while I bring home the bacon...  Not hardly!  I told him when I married him that I would be thrilled to live in a manner to which I would LIKE to become accustomed to....

It's not yet engraved in stone, but it is in wet cement, so I am cautiously optomistic that I am good-to-go.  It has been a long road to get here, but the end is in sight, and I am so very happy!

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