Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Why is consideration such a hard concept to grasp?  Consideration for others, consideration for ones-self, consideration for the community, the household, one's neighbors...

I am writing in the abstract today, and being very general, because I need to.  But I also need to "think aloud," in print.  Life would move along so much more peacefully if people took the concept of consideration to heart.  It doesn't mean being a martyr, nor does it mean being totally selfless; it just means taking a look at how one's choices and behaviors affect or impact on the world around you and doing what is necessary to prevent it from being hugely negative.  It's the little things in life, like picking up after ones-self, or making a phone call when plans change.  It's making a determination about who's needs are more important, and understanding why they should even be taken into consideration!  It's communication, and taking the extra step.  Sometimes it's just being responsible and following through with one's obligations instead of procrastinating, justifying, or excusing...  A little consideration goes a long way towards smoothing rough situations, and it generally takes so little effort to do...

I have been told I am a very considerate person, and I have been called inconsiderate on more than one occasion.  I try to follow through with what I say, and I try to be thoughtful of other's and their needs/wants/property or beliefs.  I am not always successful, but I do try my best, and I would hope that counts for something in the long run.  I try to set a good example for the kids, and I try hard to practice what I preach.  It would be so nice to see others take a similar stance.  (Although, as I use the word "try" over and over, it makes me think of the quote by Yoda from Star Wars: "There is only do or do not; there is no 'try'").  It might make me an odd duck, but I do take people's intentions into account as I view something, and whether or not they mean things the way they come out (another quote comes to mind, this time of my husband's: "you didn't mean to  ______________; however, you didn't 'mean not' to do it either"--in otherwords, done is done, regardless of intentions...).

I realize this is all as clear as mud, but it stems from things that have been going on since last night (multiple phone calls, negotiations, emails) as well as today, and my cleaning up after the kids and pets this morning because it hadn't been done; (note, it was not as bad as it has been at times--I do see random improvement!), on top of the stuff that I NEED to get done that is staring at me reproachfully (yes homework, I do see you sitting next to me...).  Worst of all, I NEED a nap!  And I have the munchies--a side effect of stress. I am not hungry per se, but man some potato chips would hit the spot, or some lemon custard; yeah...  It's just that kind of day.

1 comment:

deb said...

Deep breath. You made it through. That was the most important thing. Things are improving and keep your chin up. Take it one step at a time.