Saturday, November 21, 2009

Swine flu day 5

This will be a really short posting because I have a lot of homework to do, and looking ahead to next week I will be extremely busy (my teaching schedule alone has two classes and I have yet to know what my work schedule is going to look like...).  Reimond is looking the best today I have seen him look since Tuesday night.  He is moving around and up, his color looks good, and his eyes look clear.  It seems the body aches are not bothering him as much today, although to be honest, I really haven't talked to him so far today other than to give him his tamiflu dose for the morning.  I think he is finally on the mend.

It was just Aurora and I at the bowling alley this morning.  Patrick was supposed to go as well, but he "turned his phone off" and alarm clocks don't work, nor ringers, if the phone is off...  He had asked to stay at a friend's last night, I said yes, but be home by 8 am...  Yeah....  Brie had gone out with friends last night too, and didn't get in til almost 2:30 am; not sure what time she actually went to bed after that.  I was in bed at 11, although I was up and down a bit with my own coughing. It was very eerie to wake up this morning to the fog we were under--I could see the street light was on, but could not see the houses across the street.  In fact, I could barely see the CRX, parked next to the street lamp! I called Eric and told him to drive really carefully as he got close to home because the fog was so thick/heavy and he said it fluctuated like that all the way home, better in some spots, really thick in others.  He got home in one piece and went to bed.

Anyhow, that is what is new around here for today.  Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers--they have helped immensely!

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